Summer Laffalang

Summer Laffalang25th/26th July 2014
Pier Pavillion, South Shields

I’ll be performing a whole bunch of sketches in this charity event, written by Ed Waugh and directed by Gareth Hunter, all in aid of charity.   Tickets are available from Haven Point Tourist Information, 0191 424 7788.

Article in the Shields Gazette

Article in The Chronicle


If so, the Summer Laffalang is pure comedy sunshine!

Following the huge success of the Xmas Laffalang at The Stand in Newcastle, last December, which raised £1400 for St Oswald’s Hospice, the Laffalang returns in July, this time with all profits going to South Tyneside-based Cancer Connections.

Written by top North East playwright Ed Waugh (writer of Dracula: Die Laughing, the Xmas Laffalang and co-writer Dirty Dusting, Waiting For Gateaux, Amazing Grace and lots of other rib-tickling stage hits), the Laffalang comprises hilarious summer sketches and comedy from some of the regions’s much-loved and top performers and actors.

Micky Cochrane, the rising star of North East stand-up comedy, will host the shows.

Panto legend Bob Stott recreates Widow Twanky getting a job for Club 18 to 30 (and did she have the time of her life!); hear Bobby Elliot performed live on stage. The sketch was written by Ed Waugh and Trevor Wood and performed at the 2014 Sunday for Sammy
Other rib-tickling summer subjects include the Great North Run, No Holidays this Year, The Aliens Visit To Shields, The Blaydon Races and other off-beat sketches and monologues specially written for this funny extravaganza directed by Gareth Hunter

Tickets cost £10 with all profits going to Cancer Connections.

Summer Laffalang

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